Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Reunion Deets

After picking up Tena and Bease, we had to make a drive thru stop at Chic-fila, their fave!!!! Then we made our way to the apartment to begin our fun. Wright had little gifts for Tena and Bease that he had wrapped himself.  I believe they played for hours.....dress up, wrestle men, school, coloring, Smurf Dance Off, watching TV, doctoring on poor Max, puzzles, etc. Wright played with toys he had not played with EVER. We accommodated every one's cravings by ordering Domino's and PF Changs. Wright taught Bease how to eat with chopsticks.

This picture made me holler!!!

Drinking that Chic-fila SWEET TEA!!!!
Playing, playing, playing!!!

Lord, they finally went to bed and thank goodness everyone slept late. While Princess Beasley was sleeping Saturday morning,  Wright scurried around and helped cook breakfast. He actually told me what he wanted to cook and was a big help. We had bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, toast and pancakes that he cut into butterflies and flowers. He was so proud and it was delicious!!!

We played some more and then we ordered take out from a place Wright saw on the Food Network. It is called Terry's Turf Club. Boy was it good!!! The place was packed and Tena had to drop me off so I could run in and get the food. A little pricey for burgers, but none the less worth it!!!

This was a really neat place and looked just like it did on TV. Wright was so proud!!

That night when we went to bed, Wright asked as he always does, "Mama, what is tomorrow's day"? I told him Sunday and he began to cry because he knew Miss Tena and Beasley would be going home. I am not going to talk much about the departure because I will cry again, but as soon as Tena sends me her pictures I will post them.

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