Friday, January 20, 2012

Things that make me Smile

Sweet memories of Wright's laugh, love for life and love for all people!

Knowing Wright is playing in the presence of Jesus. He can run and play with no limitations or fear of GERMS.

Playing with his best buddy Zack.

Thank you Jesus for precious moments and memories with Wright. Thank you for his 6 years and 215 days on this earth with his family. Thank you for the assurance of eternity with him and You!

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you ~~Matthew 6:33


Today, HOPE is a verb- an action, defined as "a desire or wish"  - something we "hope" will happen.
The HOPE we have in God is a noun; its a possession and is used as a noun in the Bible many times. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11) and "My hope comes from Him" (Psalm 62:5). Its nothing we have to wish will come true; we just have to accept the gift. Hope is the truth that we have an eternity in heaven with God at the end of this life. Being filled with God's hope shows that you know how this story ends.

Each day, each moment , since Wright moved in with Jesus we are surviving by His Grace, living on Faith, filled with His Hope !

Saturday, January 14, 2012

On My Way To You

Loved that Wright knew where he was going!
So much comfort knowing he saw Jesus.
He was not scared.
He was ready.
I love and miss my sweet boy.

Below are the lyrics to Wright's favorite song:

On My Way to You
By Mercy Me

Almost there, almost where I'm supposed to be
It's not all clear, but you keep showing me
With every step, the more my heart moves to your beat
Just like where I'm headed, there's joy in the journey

Teach me to think like you think
Show me the things that are true [ohh]
Finish the work you have started in me
As I'm on my way to you
As I'm on my way to you

Create in me a pure heart and make me new
Less of me, Jesus more of you
Here I stand, still I'm drawn down to my knees
It's not my strength, but Your's that carries me

Teach me to think like to you think
Show me the things that are true
Finish the work you have started in me
As I'm on my way to you
As I'm on my way to you
Yes I'm on my way to you

Teach me to think like to you think
Show me the things that are true
Finish the work you have started in me
As I'm on my way to you
As I'm on my way to you
Yes I'm on my way to you

I'm on my way
I'm on my way to you

Many times in Cincy we would play this song. It helped Wright relax, sleep, and gave him so much peace! We played it at home in Wallace and even in Chapel Hill. God finished the work He started in Wright.
Now our family plays this song to remind us of Wright.
 We are on our way to him!

This is Wright singing another song by Mercy Me....I Worship You! We never got on video On My Way To You.

Friday, January 13, 2012


We knew little that morning

God was going to call your name,

In life we loved you dearly

In death we do the same,

It broke our hearts to lose you

You did not go alone,

For part of us went with you

The day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories

Your love is still our guide,

And although we cannot see you

You are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken

And nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one,

The chain will link again.


We love you and miss you so much WRIGHT !!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Precious Gifts

Waiting to pick up my precious first born from school. I love the way he grins when he sees me. I love the way he is quick to still hug me, tell me he loves me and jumps in my lap. That smile of his takes my breath away..............Thank you God for my two boys.......My gifts from you!!

I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I must give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord ~~~ 1 Samuel 1:27,28

These precious babies are gifts ... Children are a gift from the Lord ~~~ Psalm 127:3

Play with your gifts....let those children have fun.....laugh, alot....let them get dirty...let them drink coffee......make a mess.....let them be children.............children make a joyful outside....don't take away their security blanket ...ever........forget your schedule or routine....they will live if they drink a bottle after age 1......skip nap hooky from school and work......rock them to sleep....go barefoot.....let them eat dirt.......don't wipe their face.....cook with them....pray with them......let them see you have fun.............let them see you cry...........let them see you make mistakes..............let them see you love unconditionally.................burp with them.....ride bike in the rain......make mud pies.......let them pee outside.....let them have candy...color with video games with, dance......let them wear what they want to sometimes....make forts with them........make silly noises.....let them stay up late.....let them make a mess at bath to them them a pet.....take time with them.....let them be laundry later....clean your house games with them.....paint with them....take them to church.........let them sleep in your bed....sleep in their bed...Love them....tell them you love them......LIFE IS TOO SHORT NOT TO ENJOY EVERY SECOND.  I am so glad we do all these things with our gifts and more!!! I love the way Hill reminds us of all the fun things we had the chance to do with our sweet angel Wright!!! 

Your children are the most important gifts you will ever receive!!!

We miss our Wrightsie Roo more and more every passing day! Thanks for your continued prayers for our family. We will need them for a long time to come.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Missing our Wrightsie Roo!!

Since my last post, our Wrightsie Roo went to be with Jesus. I find myself thinking about him all the time and what he must be doing and seeing. I know without a doubt that he is just great and is having a "good,good day" as he use to say! I think about so many tender moments we have shared and it is literally hard for me to breathe sometimes. Oh, I can not wait to join him!

If it were not for Denny, Hill and our families, I would of probably crawled in my bed and still be there. Praise God they are here and still need me and I definitely need each of them. Please pray for them too! They try so hard to help me but they are hurting too. We all loved Wright so much and he brought an undescrible joy to all of our lives. He had a unique relationship with each of us. He truly was our angel on earth.

I find lately that I have random thoughts, incomplete thoughts......I spend alot of time thinking, crying, playing memories over and over in my head. I sit in Wright's room and smell his things. All the special things that we use to do flood my heart and I cry. Tears of joy because I have so many sweet memories of my time with Wright, but mainly tears of sadness because my heart aches and my body longs to hold him and kiss his sweet lips. God's grace is so awesome though!!!. I rarely recall "painful memories" from the past few years and even the last weeks with Wright.  As quick as one comes into my leaves and it is immediately replaced with a memory that makes me smile. Thank you Jesus!!!


~~~~One of the most amazing things about God is his ability to use anything and everything- even bad circumstances and our wrong choices- to bring about His own good & perfect will~~~~ Godliness involves putting our hope in Christ~~~~~~ Always do your best to raise children who love God~~~~~ Our losses take time to heal, and many scars stay with us, but Christ has both the power to redeem our circumstances and the commitment to carry us through each day of the healing process~~~~Never doubt that people can truly change~~~~God is at work behind the scenes in your life, providentially preparing you for His purposes~~~~Greatness has nothing to do with possessions or position– not in God’s eyes~~~