Thursday, January 12, 2012

Precious Gifts

Waiting to pick up my precious first born from school. I love the way he grins when he sees me. I love the way he is quick to still hug me, tell me he loves me and jumps in my lap. That smile of his takes my breath away..............Thank you God for my two boys.......My gifts from you!!

I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I must give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord ~~~ 1 Samuel 1:27,28

These precious babies are gifts ... Children are a gift from the Lord ~~~ Psalm 127:3

Play with your gifts....let those children have fun.....laugh, alot....let them get dirty...let them drink coffee......make a mess.....let them be children.............children make a joyful outside....don't take away their security blanket ...ever........forget your schedule or routine....they will live if they drink a bottle after age 1......skip nap hooky from school and work......rock them to sleep....go barefoot.....let them eat dirt.......don't wipe their face.....cook with them....pray with them......let them see you have fun.............let them see you cry...........let them see you make mistakes..............let them see you love unconditionally.................burp with them.....ride bike in the rain......make mud pies.......let them pee outside.....let them have candy...color with video games with, dance......let them wear what they want to sometimes....make forts with them........make silly noises.....let them stay up late.....let them make a mess at bath to them them a pet.....take time with them.....let them be laundry later....clean your house games with them.....paint with them....take them to church.........let them sleep in your bed....sleep in their bed...Love them....tell them you love them......LIFE IS TOO SHORT NOT TO ENJOY EVERY SECOND.  I am so glad we do all these things with our gifts and more!!! I love the way Hill reminds us of all the fun things we had the chance to do with our sweet angel Wright!!! 

Your children are the most important gifts you will ever receive!!!

We miss our Wrightsie Roo more and more every passing day! Thanks for your continued prayers for our family. We will need them for a long time to come.


  1. Oh, Dona... You continue to make me think each and every day. Your words are so true, and you are teaching a generation of mothers how to do this sometimes seemingly impossible job! Thank you once again. We do okay with most of your list, but there is def. room for improvement- eg: let them wear what they want to!

  2. You are truly an inspiration! Last night, Noah Archer's wife was teaching a Bible study and she mentioned that she found a painting on the way and she turned it on the back and there was a Bible verse from Jeremiah and it talked about God's plan. We all almost cried!! We have boxes everywhere to collect pop tabs and we are going to give them to the RMH in memory of Zack and Wright...Both of your families have touched so many lives and you have such an amazing faith!!

  3. Thank you girl! I needed this today. You continue to make such a difference.

  4. We all need to be reminded of this each day. I will always hold precious Wright in my heart! Love you all. Praying for you!!!

  5. What and inspirational and beautiful devotional from one of my favorite and most gifted writers. Thank you again, Dona, for sharing your gift with words and that sweet sweet spirit.
