So discharge today was a no go. Wright has managed to spike a temperature every morning since Saturday morning and fevers occur around 8 am each day. At first, I was convinced his body wanted steroids. This has happened before and we did decrease steroids and change from IV to oral on Friday just 24 hours before his fever. I am still not ruling that out. Today's fever was quite different though. It did not go down with Tylenol initially and he was pretty miserable all day. Blood cultures are all still negative which is great. Pneumatosis and area on bottom seems to all be improving. So what is causing fever?? Could be inflammation still from pneumatosis especially since belly pain increased. We kept him from eating again today to see if that helps. Pray for our team to figure out source of fever, get a treatment plan that is successful and send us on our merry way. I am thankful that after fever subsides, he perks up quite a bit and looks pretty good. He even asked to wall the halls tonight which was a positive sign. Keep my Wright in your prayers and please continue to keep Cole Hiestand's family in your prayers too.
Something my boy taught me nice to never know if one of them is Jesus pretending to be someone else. Wow, love that boy!
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