This weekend was very special to say the least! Wright was reunited with his best buddy, Beasley, that he did confirm they will marry when they are 21 years old. They were beyond excited to see one another. I am so glad Tena was well enough to make the trip. We were blessed that Wright received the okay from his doc about the visit. I think it meant the world to these two children and it tickled my soul to see Wright play with someone his age and act normal. He did an excellent job keeping up with Bease and for just a moment, it was like none of the past year's events had ever even transpired. It was AWESOME!!! I felt like a normal Mom with a normal kid having a normal play date. Bease never for a minute looked or acted as if Wright was any different than he was before. She warmed my heart the way she sincerely loves him... simply because he is Wright.
Now, before going into any weekend details, you must first understand the origin of Wright and Bease's friendship. My sister, Gina, and Tena are the same age. For as long as I can remember, she and Tena were best friends. We all grew up together, went to school with one another, came back from college and all settled back in our hometown of Wallace. We helped one another get married to some local boys and we were right there to help as we birthed our babies. Gina and Tena were pregnant with their first baby together. Tena and I were pregnant with our second babies together (Wright and Bease). Our due date was actually a month apart, but we would joke and say "wouldn't it be cool if they were born on the same day?". Now, honestly I was not all about waiting until Tena's due date to have Wright. For goodness sake, a month late??? Well, I did go two weeks late and Tena went two weeks early. No, hate to disappoint anyone...they were not born on the same day..... Wright was born on May 16, 2005 and Beasley on May 17, 2005. Boy was it a time in the hospital with Ken Roberts. We had a special time. We all had lots of visitors. All Tena's visitors stopped by to see us and all our visitors went to see Tena. I have a picture at my house that I will certainly post later of the two babies side by side in the hospital bassinets. They were adorable. Wright weighed 9 lbs 11 oz and was 23 1/2 inches long.....a whopper!!!! Sweet Bease and her petite self weighed only 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. They have celebrated every birthday together ever since except this past year. Their little friendship goes even beyond their entrance into the world. Miss Tena keeps children in her home. And as fate would have it, when our precious baby sitter Grandma Mary became very sick, Tena had openings for two children and began keeping both of my boys while I was at work. So basically, Wright and Beasley have grown up together. This is really the first time ever they have been separated....EVER!
Celebrating their 5th Birthday together at Cinderella
Lazarex trike a thon while attending preschool together
Christmas at Twilight
Bease in Cincy
Happy Wright
In the car after we picked Bease up from airport! They were so tickled!
Playing Smurf Dance Off
Watching movies
Their friendship is so special and TICKLES MY SOUL. Wright truly loves Beasley with all of his heart and misses her so much. This visit was better than any medicine any doctor could of given him. It was good for me to get a "dose" of normal too!!
I love children! I always have. I love the way they accept changes, differences, and challenges. They are so resilient! I love the way children love Jesus. I love the way they pray. I love that when Wright prays and asks Jesus for his help, that Wright is confident that his prayer will be answered.
"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God." Mark 10:14-15